News / Financial planning

Celebrating recognition from FTAdviser

The Fry Group have been featured once again in FTAdviser’s Top 100 Financial Advisers list. Jeremy Woodley, our Director, reflects on why this acknowledgement is so important to us.

For the past six years The Fry Group has been included as one of FTAdviser’s Top 100 Financial Advisers. This acknowledgement means a great deal to us, recognising our commitment to providing excellent levels of personal service to our clients, whilst continuing to champion and support our team in their own professional development.

The FT Adviser list ranks the UK’s top financial adviser firms taking into account a number of factors including client retention, assets under management and how long the company has been in business. It also considers external accreditation from the Chartered Insurance Institute or Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment.

This year one of the key themes explored by FTAdviser when announcing the listing was to consider how firms are managing their commitment to clients against the new background of Consumer Duty – new financial advice rules introduced in July. This initiative from the Financial Conduct Authority aims to ensure that clients seeking advice are protected from incomprehensible communications, poor-value products and unnecessary documentation from their advisers.

As a team we’ve embraced Consumer Duty and understand its purpose; we appreciate it’s been designed to ensure that clients get the appropriate support, advice, and level of service for them – so they can achieve their financial, and personal goals. Of course, the focus for us is to always ensure that we share information with clients in the right way, at the right time. Helpfully these new rules and regulations are another way in which we can make sure that our communications align and are appropriate to the level of service required. It’s just another way of us making sure we put you – our client – first at every step.

To discuss any aspect of your tax planning and financial planning please contact your nearest office.