News / Investments

Where can I live, work or retire outside of the UK? Watch our recent webinar

Many of us are keen to explore a more flexible lifestyle which may involve spending time in different countries. Making an active decision about your residency and citizenship can allow more personal freedom, and have other advantages too.

Our recent webinar explored where it’s possible for British expats to live, work or retire, along with some of the important tax and financial planning implications of doing so.

Peter Webb, our Head of Tax Advisory, was joined by Dominic Volek, Group Head of Private Clients at Henley & Partners, to discuss which popular residency and citizenship programmes are open to British expats within the EU and Southeast Asia. Dominic also shared details about other potential destinations which you may not have considered.

Peter explained how much time you can spend in the UK without becoming tax resident, and how living outside of the UK could reduce your exposure to UK tax.

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Webinar Recording

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