What happens if you can’t find a Will?

An up-to-date Will can make dealing with the administration of someone’s estate much easier after they pass away.

As well as setting out any personal wishes and bequests, a Will can help, in what is already an upsetting time, prevent disagreements between family members. But what happens if this important document can’t be found after a death? Steve Wright, Estates Director at The Fry Group, explains what you can do if you need to locate a Will.

If a loved one has died and you believe they have a legal Will, the first step is to make every effort to locate it. The Will is certain to contain the details of who should administer the estate – the Executors – along with any trustee information. It will explain who will inherit the estate along with any personal bequests such as property, cash or personal items. It may even detail any funeral wishes.


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